Build your own IPv6 Tunnel Broker using Linode and WireGuard

There are some free IPv6 tunnel broker services such as the popular from Hurricane Electric. It’s a great service that I used for years. But over time I ran into two major issues. First the performance of the only server in Canada had become pretty poor. And second, many services were blocking the prefixes uses by making it less practical to use on a regular use network. Looking for options I came across the unique ability on Linode to assign a virtual machine a /56 IPv6 prefix....


NAT64 on the Router Using VyOS

If you want to operate an IPv6 only network, there is a new way to make it happen that is much simplified compared to what we had to do in the past. And this is using VyOS as your router which has integrated Jool starting in v1.4 making it very easy to setup and use out of the box. DNS64 Just as important as the NAT64 component is DNS64. This is what translates a DNS lookup that only has an A record to also respond with an AAAA record usually using the NAT64 well-known reserved prefix 64:ff9b::/96....
