Smokeping on VyOS

Smokeping is a popular tool to measure and graph latency and packet loss to Internet destinations of your choosing. Use cases would be to track the quality of your ISP connection, or just to look at some pretty graphs 😊 Installing on VyOS It’s a pretty simple process, the main thing that is not talked about in most docs is that you need to give the container access to net-raw kernel privileges, otherwise fping will give you a “Operation not permitted” error....


NAT64 on the Router Using VyOS

If you want to operate an IPv6 only network, there is a new way to make it happen that is much simplified compared to what we had to do in the past. And this is using VyOS as your router which has integrated Jool starting in v1.4 making it very easy to setup and use out of the box. DNS64 Just as important as the NAT64 component is DNS64. This is what translates a DNS lookup that only has an A record to also respond with an AAAA record usually using the NAT64 well-known reserved prefix 64:ff9b::/96....


How-to Run Unifi Network Application on VyOS

Normally we wouldn’t recommend hosting applications on your firewall, but considering the UniFi Network Application (Controller) is connected closely to your network, there is at least some rational for running MongoDB on your firewall 😎 All you need to get started is a working VyOS installation. At this moment I am using v1.4 and v1.5 would be the same procedure. I also want to say thanks to the team who has done a great job maintaining this docker image....
